Sound Bomb Free

4.7 ( 7427 ratings )
Розробник: Layer8Software

Just another whoopee cushion app? Think again!

Sound Bomb doesn’t just give you the basic functionality other similar apps offer, it gives you a whole lot more:


Unlike other fart apps that need Wifi, our remote function uses bluetooth so will work anywhere!

Sound Bomb supports pairing with another Bluetooth enabled iPhone running the Sound Bomb application. Once paired you can use one device to trigger a detonation on the other! (NOTE: Bluetooth detonation is not supported on Version 1 iPhones or Version 1 iPod Touches)

Recording Studio

Sound Bomb has built-in recording functionality that can be used to record your own sounds.

Motion Triggering

When the Motion Trigger Bomb Mode is selected you can arm the bomb ready to detonate with the slightest movement of the device. Perfect for planting the bomb in someone’s pocket.

Countdown Triggering

Sound Bomb has a timed detonation mode. Simply set the timer and start the countdown. When the timer reaches zero the selected sound will be triggered.

Bluetooth Triggering

When the Bluetooth Bomb Mode is selected and the device is paired with another (running Sound Bomb) then the remote device can be used to trigger the selected sound.

If you experience any technical issues please let us know by emailing [email protected] or visit our website at